Sunday, December 30, 2007

Desire a change?

The coaching model that I have submitted to ascribes that self-knowledge is a key to development. Not for the sake of changing who we are, but for understanding why we do what we do. With that understanding, we can make choices that will allow us to get different results. Sometimes it is not all that easy to see the why behind who we are. Here is what went through my mind on the topic:

Wanting a change?

I made my list
Checked it twice
Too much to do
For it to be nice

I come to you God
Again in this place
Show me Oh Lord
The place of your grace

I’ve seeded my time
To causes of worth
Multiply back
My life on the earth

Come blow away
The thinking that stinks
Keeps me locked in
Stuck up like the Sphinx

I’ve been in that place
Of flow and it’s better
Than worry and fear
Being under the weather

So here I am
With promise in hand
Boldly before you
In your presence do stand

Make my request
For mercy and grace
Adjust my thinking
Find my new place

From my experience
Many times past
Finding your presence
Brings changes that last

Opens my eyes
Gives fresh ways to look
Opens the door
To write the new book

©12/29/07, Glenn Mehltretter


Heidi Mehltretter said...

I appreciate the hope with which you are embracing this new year - it is inspiring.

gmehl said...

Bless you Heidi!