Monday, December 10, 2007

The path of greatest grace

Had another "learning experience" today. One of those that reinforces what we already know by paying the price for doing something that we know better than to do. In this case I was flowing smoothly in a busy day and discovered I misplaced something I needed to complete a task I had scheudled. Knowing better -- I allowed myself to get frustrated with the situation. Ended up with a pain in the head and still didn't complete the task. Would it not have been better to stay at peace? Getting up tight didn't help, staying in peace may have....

Flow with the plan

The things of God are great indeed
So many layers behind the deed
With paradox His word is full
By His spirit know what is true

Principles He has laid down
They stay the same and give us ground
To walk with confidence and trust
That His desire is best for us

We may not understand the plan
So big, so wonderful and grand
But graciously we take our place
For it is the path to greatest grace

©12/10/07, Glenn Mehltretter

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