Sunday, December 30, 2007

Desire a change?

The coaching model that I have submitted to ascribes that self-knowledge is a key to development. Not for the sake of changing who we are, but for understanding why we do what we do. With that understanding, we can make choices that will allow us to get different results. Sometimes it is not all that easy to see the why behind who we are. Here is what went through my mind on the topic:

Wanting a change?

I made my list
Checked it twice
Too much to do
For it to be nice

I come to you God
Again in this place
Show me Oh Lord
The place of your grace

I’ve seeded my time
To causes of worth
Multiply back
My life on the earth

Come blow away
The thinking that stinks
Keeps me locked in
Stuck up like the Sphinx

I’ve been in that place
Of flow and it’s better
Than worry and fear
Being under the weather

So here I am
With promise in hand
Boldly before you
In your presence do stand

Make my request
For mercy and grace
Adjust my thinking
Find my new place

From my experience
Many times past
Finding your presence
Brings changes that last

Opens my eyes
Gives fresh ways to look
Opens the door
To write the new book

©12/29/07, Glenn Mehltretter

Friday, December 28, 2007

Pressure - friend or foe!

Certain thoughts bring pressure

Yesterday I walked this way
Seeking peace
The pleasant place
Place of comfort
And of grace

Connecting to
All there is

How to know
The work that fits
Calling forth
Your greatest whit

Not the work
That passes time
Performed for duty
Shallow mind

But that which touches
Deep inside
Engaging will and
Heart and pride

Yet pressure is a concrete thing
The potter using it to bring
Beauty to a shapeless thing

The bumps that seek to have their way
Are pressured till they go away
Yet too much pressure brings a break
The piece is lost – what is at stake

Paradox it comes along
Resisting pressure makes you strong
Can have the opposite effect
Break one down and bring regret

As with everything in life
Achieve a balance
Walk Occam’s knife
Enquire of your deepest parts
To yield . . . stand firm. . .
What’s in your heart?

©12/28/07, Glenn Mehltretter

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Meeting the requirements

My coach has provided evidence that I generally turn inside for answers. That, in it self, is not a bad thing, it can be a good thing. The issue he poses, is that I miss receiving helpful incite from others. What I am missing he calls "external referencing." He says research has shone that external referencing is a prime determinant of resilience. Where "resilience" is related to how well we deal with change. In common language you might say that the people who talk things over with others are better able to adjust to change.

In this context I was considering some potential changes to how I was approaching my business.


What are the requirements?
Things that need be done
To carry out the business
Not to lose the fun
To make a contribution
While flowing in your knack
Moving always forward
Not needing to look back
Free from things that pull
Your nature from its place
Free to do the work
You naturally embrace

Alone it never happens
By your-self it can’t be done
It takes a breadth of skills
That seldom rests in one.

©12/27/07, Glenn Mehltretter

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Nature of God within

I placed My Spirit within
A human My way to begin
Create a race like Me
Spread love through eternity

The nature of God within
The place to begin over sin
Darkness can not displace light
Nor death the essence of life

Quiet your soul within
Begin my agenda to win
I said you will be like Me
My works do for all men to see.

©12/26/07, Glenn Mehltretter

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas thought

God is our source from within
To overcome sickness and sin
A stream of life springing forth
To reverse all that’s been but for naught

The candle within is so bright
Fueled by the creator of life
The quest is come to that place
For the glory to flow to our face

Earthen vessel though we may be
Inside there’s the glory of thee
Which hungers to break forth free
And drive the darkness off of the sea.

© 1/10/07 Glenn Mehltretter
(Sea in scripture frequently symbolic of peoples.)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Learning -- single, double and triple

Last evening I participated in a session around single, double, and triple loop learning.


I find myself
In a difficult place
The pressures of life
Not keeping pace

With all I know
Of the nature of man
My own life seems
Out of hand

How do I order
The things that I know
To reframe the world
To get up and go

Some is with skills
Faster and better
Learn how to do it
Get good at the letter

Some is by seeing
And changing the rules
What governs my life
At times I can choose

Some is with being
The who that I am
Transforming my role
In this scheme that’s so grand

These three talk of me
And my role
And my place
Where do I fit
What do I embrace

But the who that I am
Is related to you
The system I’m in
Bumps your system too

I suspect that these loops
Go on for ever
Well beyond
My mental endeavors

But change we will
As time goes on
To find a place
Serene and calm

To find that place
Where each one fits
A perfect match
For all our gifts…

©12/20/07, Glenn Mehltretter

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Some thoughts

Attend to Me and I will attend to you.
Turn your thoughts to Me
And I am present with you
I am not far from you
But very close.


I have a plan
Through ages to come
To bring all together
Under my son

He paid the price
That all might be
Returned to my glory
Returned to me


Who am I to think a thought. . .

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Inspired by Doug's lecture

The following was inspired by Doug's lecture
Sunday, 12/15/07

Intertwined with goodness
Struggle, peace and joy
Dancing with the spirit
Our life can be enjoyed

No matter what the context
The truth that’s at the core
Reveals the God of goodness
The knowing there is more

The earth is just a part
Of greater things in store
Our life a preparation
To do his work and more

© 12/16/07, Glenn Mehltretter

Sunday, December 16, 2007

A place for me

A little quirky for rhyme, but the message is fine :)

A place for me

How do I find the place I fit?
Its so complicated I want to quit.
Yet there is a place perfect for me.
Free to be who I’m created to be.
Free to do what I treasure most.
Free to know he’s the perfect host.

What I’m meant to be
will prosper me.
It’s the only way
that makes sense
to me.
The God I serve
is grand you see.
It only makes sense
that logically
He would have a place
that created me
Is a perfect fit
for his plan,
you see.

So its in his interest to get me in
To the place which creates a major win
That place which is good for me and him
So why stress I over this placement thing!

© 12/16/07, Glenn Mehltretter

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Walk with a friend

Open my eyes Lord
That I may see
Your plan Lord
For me

I have promised
Many things
Walk with me
Your heart will sing

Great and mighty
Works there are
Walking with
The morning star

I hunger to walk in your ways
To fellowship day upon days…

©11/17/06, Glenn Mehltretter

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

From enemy to friend

Self doubt

Self doubt is my friend?
It sticks up its head
It says I can’t do it
Would rather be dead

Gets my attention
Says what will they think
You’ll fall on your face
Performance will stink

But I have a secret
A weapon so grand
No longer has fear
A hold on my hand

The weapon is strong
Abides in my heart
Push back the fear
Before it can start

The weapon is love
Abiding within
Drives out the fear
Knows I can win

When doubt comes along
See it as friend!
A gentle reminder
Of love deep within

Turn from that path
Of torment you face
Latch on to grace
And love do embrace

Let love come out
And radiate strong
Reach out from within
Help others along

Don’t do it yourself
But come along side
Of others to help
And love to abide.

©12/11/07, Glenn Mehltretter

Will you be the one

Holy Spirit come
Take your place with me
Seated on the throne
Of my identity

Many words I have
To speak into the earth
Many vessels needed
To tell of My great worth

Will you be the one
To still your busy soul
And speak the words I give
And tell what’s been untold

Will you be the one
With quietness the quest
To join me in the place
That you have learned is best.

©12/12/07, Glenn Mehltretter

Monday, December 10, 2007

The path of greatest grace

Had another "learning experience" today. One of those that reinforces what we already know by paying the price for doing something that we know better than to do. In this case I was flowing smoothly in a busy day and discovered I misplaced something I needed to complete a task I had scheudled. Knowing better -- I allowed myself to get frustrated with the situation. Ended up with a pain in the head and still didn't complete the task. Would it not have been better to stay at peace? Getting up tight didn't help, staying in peace may have....

Flow with the plan

The things of God are great indeed
So many layers behind the deed
With paradox His word is full
By His spirit know what is true

Principles He has laid down
They stay the same and give us ground
To walk with confidence and trust
That His desire is best for us

We may not understand the plan
So big, so wonderful and grand
But graciously we take our place
For it is the path to greatest grace

©12/10/07, Glenn Mehltretter

Saturday, December 8, 2007

The ultimate developmental plan

I desire to honor my God
To speak things reflecting His heart
To align my agenda with Him
And carry out my given part

As I look at the fall colored trees
I’m awed by the greatness of Him
Who by choice placed Himself within me
In his plan to return us to Him.

©12/8/07, Glenn Mehltretter

Friday, December 7, 2007

Finding the place of flow

Had a coaching session today that showed that the same issue has been around for a long time. Here are some thoughts from last year, written about the time that the poetry began.

That Place

Early in the morning
I turn my heart to Him
Hoping that this day
A special time with Him.

And frequently it starts
With heart and mind and soul
In fellowship with Him
The grandest peace unfold.

Then the time arrives
To rise from place of grace
And step into the world
Take my current place.

His presence lingers on
Much less than I desire
For I’ve yet to find a way
To abide and not retire.

Lawbeck*, Lawrence**, others
Testify there is a place
Of unbroken communion
And unlimited embrace.

And they agree together
When abiding place is found
There’s very little labor
For His grace indeed abounds.

©9/26/06 Glenn Mehltretter

*Dr. Frank Laubeck who was the foremost leader in world literacy, founder of Laubeck Literacy Foundation wrote "Letters from a modern mystic" one of my favorite books.
**Brother Lawrence, 16 century monk, who’s letters are captured in “Practicing the Presence of God”

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Changing of the age

Been a challenging week. Began trying to get a better understanding of my utilization of time. Ended realizing that I really do need a breakthrough in "resting" in the course of work.

There must be a breakthrough...

Its time for this age to end
And the age of the glory begin
For I’ve done all the work to be done
Now Church manifest My son!

We see pockets of grace
Where glory shines forth in this place
How do we enter in
To the Church wide victory and win?

In my head the victory is clear
You rebuked them for having fear
You said greater works we should do
And walk on the earth like you

Your agenda it must be
Perfect training only from thee
But there must be a breakthrough too
A quantum step to pass on through.

©11/6/06, Glenn Mehltretter

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The master plan

I have a plan
Through ages to come
To bring all together
Under my son

He paid the price
That all might be
Returned to my glory
Returned to me

To be just like him

The presence of God is a precious thing
More to be treasured than any thing
A thing to be sought above all else
A thing to be bought before all else

He gave us the tender needed to buy
And gave us the choice of weather to try
He asks for our will our hand and out eye
The price is our life to him must we die

But its only a start for his life is within
His presence defeats all darkness and sin
He raises us up to be just like him
What else should we choose, it’s a sure win.

©10/27/06, Glenn Mehltretter

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The place where we will be as one

I want to take a side trip form my "being coached" focus. As I look at various developmental models there seems to be an overly of seven stages. But then, there is a continuing on from there. I have a number of si-fi series that I enjoy. In the last several years I stumbled on "Star Gate". The background story proposes species living at different developmental levls. At one point one of the key players, Daniel Jackson, has the oportunity to "assend", move to a higher developmental state, and so chooses. Occasionally he visits. Its like Obi-Wan Kenobi speaking into Luke's head.

In Christianity, we speak of Adam as the first man (in this context and throughout I am referring to human kind rather than gender), created in the image and likeness of God. We refer to Jesus as "the second Adam" and also as "the first-born of many breathren." So there is a belief that human kind is progressing on a path to become god kind. Jesus being the originator of all creation, and the author of the path to god kindness.


I had a start today in prayer
A thought that had not entered there
I told the Lord I would abide
His agenda far and wide

The thought that followed very next
Was “Lord I want Your presence best”
I went from asking for His plan
To stating my desire grand

Yet Jesus did this very thing
When faced with sacrifice as king
“Please pass this cup I do desire
But first your will into the fire”

The message here is very clear
My God is willing, yes to hear
The thoughts I have from human heart
That tempt me from my perfect part

Is this not oratio* place
To share my thoughts into His grace
And through that conversation come
The place where we will be as one.

©10/26/06, Glenn Mehltretter
*oratio refers to an ancient meditative practice

Monday, December 3, 2007

Too Much to Do?

This week, as part of my "being coached" activities, I have agreed to examine the thoughts behind my proclivity to require more time than I would like to complete various tasks. This is a good time for pressing into that area as I am feeling the pressure of a lot to do, many tasks with definite delivery times.

Too Much to Do?

This is not a good time
Its not a good place
Must reach down inside
Get hold of his grace

Let go of the weight
Of things to be done
Release the concern
Take hold one by one

Don’t carry it all
Its too much to bear
Each one’s not so hard
Why pull out your hair

Put your mind
On the Lord
Touch his life
Tap his peace

He wants you to know
There is a release
A place of abiding
Where worries do cease

©12/3/07, Glenn Mehltretter

Sunday, December 2, 2007

An uplifting - tought - or prayer

Oh Lord help me get under control
To have a life that will be whole
Not victim to the many things
But free to be as spirit sings

©11/28/07, Glenn Mehltretter

Saturday, December 1, 2007

In the Presence of the King

In the presence of the king
Nothing better, my heart sings
Sings a song of life poured out
Springing forth a joyful shout

Paid the price for all restore
Its been done there is no more
Now he lives within my heart
Its up to me to do my part

©10/20/07, Glenn Mehltretter

Friday, November 30, 2007

What focus for my time

Today, my coach kept bringing me back to "what is the most important issue (to be dealt with)." He suggested I mind map all the things going on in my life and interes, and look for a thread or an axel that tied it all together. It is interesting that I had done that listing last month. When I did, it presented itself as the following.

The Myriad of Things

Lord I come to you
King of all the earth
Make request of you
For wisdom on this earth

The myriad of things
A part of daily life
Pile up around
Suppressing peace and light

Yet deep inside I know
The plan you have is so
Complete and with a flow
That peace does overflow

Some have a natural way
To negotiate each day
And not be overcome
By the things that need be done

But they are very few
In this world of do and do
While the rest of us are blue
Beset with much to do

Where does the answer lie
Is it community or die
Find the place where each one fits
Determined by our gifts

It can’t be done by man
Must be the unseen hand
Where many move as one
And myriad gets done.

©10/14/07, Glenn Mehltretter

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Context: I am beginning this blog at the suggestion of my coach, Mike. He has been encouraging the introvert me to allow others to see my more garded side. Well I'm going to post some poetry. I'll begin with a shot at defining ego.


Who am I – My ego knows
It dresses me in ego clothes
Creates a world where I can live
With solid walls, or like a sieve

I am the center, I am my hope
It changes over time, I group
And find there is much more to me
Than only parts that I did see

For you out there impact my life
I might not like it, try to fight
But it is true I see it now
In a vacuum I did plow

And over time I now do see
There is more to me than I can be
For you are part of who I am
Divorce can not from unseen hand

This thing called flow can only be
In context of both you and me
For my life is not alone
It really is communal home

©11/28/07, Glenn Mehltretter