Monday, June 23, 2008

Always have liked Dr. Seuss

A colleague commented on my poetry occasionally having that Dr. Seuss feel. Fox in Sox being one of my favorites. I loved it when the kids asked me to read it. I recognize that most of the versus tend to be heavy on the rhyme side, not the way of the more modern poetry. Well, the comment was an encouragement to make way for the more fun side.

Teach me Oh Lord
To rest in my work
To flow with your spirit
And not be a jerk

How brazen of me
To think I’d do better
Than the creator of all
Who can change even the weather

But I believe
He really does care
The mundane of my life
Daily to share

Yes I do, yes I do
He’ll share your life too
And order your steps
As no other can do

Just believe, just believe
He lives in your heart
The core of your being
Knows your part, knows your part.

© 6/17/08, Glenn

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